Sep 6, 2009

Tsukuba Circuit

It’s funny how a trip to the emergency room can turn into free Pit Passes to a Historic Car Race.

For you see after having, shall we say a minor accident, which resulted in the skin bellow my knee being cut to the bone, I had to go to the emergency room. While being stitched and stapled back together again by a doctor who spoke excellent English, motorcycles somehow came up. From there the conversation somehow drifted to cars and racing. It was about then that the good doctor invited me to come watch him race one of his two Porsche's.
Fast forward two months and I found myself at Tsukuba Circuit, in Tsukuba, Japan. The weather was wonderful and the level of car porn was far beyond XXX. Having access to the pit allowed me drool over countless modern as well as historic cars.
It also gave me a chance to marvel at the damage a little carelessness in a corner can cause.
The doctor (wearing the powder blue jump suit) had a great day the races and in spite of having to deal with an 8-minute handicap, still managed to take second place in the Endurance category.

Though I walked away with a bit of a sun burn the entire experience left me wondering if maybe I should frequent the emergency room more often.

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